NAME: OrganicFoodsDoc.txt TYPE: Sample SIZE: 62 observations, 30 variables DESCRIPTIVE ABSTRACT: Experimental data on 62 subjects to determine if exposure to organic foods impacts moral judgments and/or behavior. SOURCES: Eskine, K.J. VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS: subject - condition - 1 = organic, 2 = control, 3 = comfort spinach - tomato - carrot - apple - mustard - beans - oatmeal - rice - chocolate - cookie - ice_cream - brownie - shoplifter - lawyer - bribe - dog - book_thief - incest - age - gender - 1 = male, 2 = female ethnic - 1 = white, 2 = african american, 3 = hispanic, 4 = asian, 5 = middle eastern, 6 = native american, 7 = other income - pol_ori - diet - 1 = lacto-ovo veggie, 2 = lacto veggie, 3 = vegan, 4 = omnivore, 5 = other full - prosocial - moral_avg - desire - SPECIAL NOTES: