NAME: Habituation1Doc.txt TYPE: Sample SIZE: 51 observations, 50 variables DESCRIPTIVE ABSTRACT: First of five experiments investigating whether imagining eating food would impact actual consumption when presented with food. Experiment 1 investigated if imagining eating a food would decrease consumption of the same food. SOURCES: Carey K. Morewedge, Young Eun Huh, and Joachim Vosgerau VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS: id - date - condnum – conditions (1 = inserting 3 coins and eating 30 MMs, 2 = inserting 30 coins and eating 3 MMs, 1 = inserting 33 coins) CoinNum - number of times of imagining inserting a coin MMNum - number of times of imagining eating a MM MajorDV - MM's Consumed (g) PreA - Liking for M&M's PreB - How often people use coin-op laundry machines CoinTime - Time Spent Imagining the Control Task (s) MMTIme - Time Spent Imagining eating M&M's (s) CoinSize - Quarter Size Evaluation MMsize - M&M Size Evaluation MMQA - Taste-test Sweetness of M&M's MMQB - Taste-test Saltiness of M&M's MMQC - Taste-test Sourness of M&M's MMQD - Taste-test Crunchiness of M&M's MMQE - favorite MM color (1 = red, 2 = yellow, 3 = blue, 4 = brown, 5 = purple) WTP - WTP for a bag of M&M's PANA1 - PANA – Interested (1 = very slightly or not at all, 2 = a little, 3 = moderately, 4 = quite a bit, 5 = extremely). Similarly for al PANA PANA2 - PANA - Distressed PANA3 - PANA - Excited PANA4 - PANA - Upset PANA5 - PANA - Strong PANA6 - PANA - Guilty PANA7 - PANA - Scared PANA8 - PANA - Hostile PANA9 - PANA - Enthusiastic PANA10 - PANA - Proud PANA11 - PANA - Irritable PANA12 - PANA - Alert PANA13 - PANA - Ashamed PANA14 - PANA - Inspired PANA15 - PANA - Nervous PANA16 - PANA - Determined PANA17 - PANA - Attentive PANA18 - PANA - Jittery PANA19 - PANA - Active PANA20 - PANA - Afraid PANA21 - PANA - Happy PANA22 - PANA - Sad Whatate - Content and timing of last meal gender – Sex (1 = female, 2 = male) age - language - Native Language Problem - problem protocol Start - start time End - end time posaffect - PANAS Positive negaffect - PANAS Negative affect - PANAS Positive-Negative SPECIAL NOTES: