NAME: Habituation5Doc.txt TYPE: Sample SIZE: 81 observations, 22 variables DESCRIPTIVE ABSTRACT: Fifth of five experiments investigating whether imagining eating food would impact actual consumption when presented with food. Experiment 2 investigated if imagining eating a food would decrease consumption of the same food under different conditions than experiment 1. SOURCES: Carey K. Morewedge, Young Eun Huh, and Joachim Vosgerau VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS: id - condnum – conditions (1 = imagine eating 30 cheese cubes, 2 = imagine eating 3 cheese cubes) coinNum - number of quarter imagined ChNum - Number of cheese cubes imagined hungry - Pretest - Hunger PreChLiking - Pretest - Liking for Cheddar cheese CoinUsage - Familiarity with Coinop Laundry coininstr - Rewriting instructions for imaginig inserting quarters (including how many quarters they would imagine) CoinSize - Quarter size estimates Chinstr - Rewriting instructions for imagining eating cheese cubes (including how many cheese cubes they would imagine) Cheesesize - Cheese size estimate Gamestr - Rewriting instructions for the game totalresponse - total number of CLICKS emitted during the game PostChLiking - Posttest - Liking for Cheddar cheese Whatate - Content and timing of most recent meal gender – Sex age - Imaginecheck - changeLiking - change in Cheddar cheese liking (post liking - pre-liking) Wanting - log transformed (total number of responses + 1) filter_$ - Data selection criteria (0 = not selected, 1 = selected) ExclusionReason - Data exclusion reason SPECIAL NOTES: